Sunday, September 16, 2012

Barbara Renick at GSNOCC 19 Sept 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Genealogical Society of North Orange County


Tackling Tough Genealogical Tasks

with 21st Century Technology

Did you know--there are technological tools which will let you capture your research experience at the push of a button--let you share your research experience with others just as easily?  Do you know how simple 21st century technology makes keeping track of what you’ve done, documenting what you’ve found, and analyzing/publishing the results?

Barbara Renick, genealogical researcher and longtime member of GSNOCC, teaches people how to “do” genealogy--especially on the Internet.  Barbara has lectured and taught genealogical computer labs at national conferences and the Regional Family History Center in Orange for more than 25 years.  A National Genealogical Society contributing editor for eleven years and current member of the NGS Board of Directors, she co-authored The Internet for Genealogists: A Beginner's Guide, made two instructional videos on using the Internet for genealogy, and publishes short instructional videos online at her web site.  Her last book, Genealogy 101: How to Trace Your Family's History and Heritage was sponsored by the NGS for their 100th Anniversary.

6 p.m.: H.E.L.P. Discussion Group
 7 p.m.: A brief business meeting
7:15 p.m.: The program
At the end: Refreshments and sharing

Yorba Linda Community Center
4501 Casa Loma Avenue (at Imperial Highway)
Yorba Linda

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